

Suricog Innovative Eye Powered Interactivity The ideal tool for recording and analysing eye and head movements as part of a clinical application. It is an innovative device for the early diagnosis of neurological, neurodegenerative, psychiatric and learning disorders.

Innovative Eye Powered Interactivity



The new innovative EyeBrain T2 is the ideal tool for recording and analysing eye and head movements as part of a clinical application. It is, in fact an innovative device for the early diagnosis of neurological, neurodegenerative, psychiatric and learning disorders.

It allows specific regions of the brain to be tested thanks to the analysis of eye and head movements according to EyeBrain’s patented algorithms. The dual head/eye localisation offers a very high precision and allows the acquisition of a large number of parameters.

In addition it allows freedom of movement and is especially suitable for patients unable to tolerate the fixation mechanism associated with a chin strap (i.e, Parkinsonian syndromes).

Parameters recorded by EyeBrain T1 et T2 are analysed by the software MeyeEval

This software allows acquisition and analysis of data as well as edition of an oculomotor review. Each parameter is compared with normative values

As part of Research a special version of MeyeParadigm is available offering total freedom in the design of the experimental paradigms and analysis of the data. You can design your own paradigm, in a very intuitive manner.


  • Innovative: Complementary to medical imaging
  • Intuitive: Simple and intuitive to use
  • Quick: Between 10 and 30 minutes
  • Quantitative: Accurate measurements
  • Non-Invasive: Optimal comfort and safety
  • Evolutive: Through the knowledge in research and clinic
  • Objective: Results are compared to normative values


  1. Acquisition: Patient file creation, calibration, binocular acquisition through paradigms such as; reading, overlap, centripetal saccades, nystagmus, letter search, anti-saccades.
  2. Analysis: Data cleaning, report output.
  3. Summary: Report with norms.
  4. Interpretation


    • Paradigm creation
    • Data Acquisition
    • Data Analysis


    • Eye Tracker
    • Head Tracker
    • Computer
    • Stimulation screen
    • Control screen
    • Chin rest

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