

We produce medical devices and solutions to analyze movement and make your patients’ rehabilitation and telerehabilitation more measurable, accessible and motivating.

Measurable rehabilitation for your patients


Riablo is an innovative medical device designed by Euleria to support physiotherapists in their everyday work with patients. It consists of wearable sensors and a stabilometric platform that transmits data via bluetooth to a software that provides a biofeedback through a screen.Through the use of visual-auditory biofeedback designed and patented by CoRehab, the movements of each individual rehabilitation exercise can only be done correctly, with motivation and diligence. The high precision with which the wearable sensors and the stabilometric platform record the movements, guarantees a high level of accuracy of the recorded data and consequently of the biofeedback offered by he software.

Goal-oriented – At the beginning of the path, the professional can choose the goal to be reached between recovery (mobility, balance, strength, functional) or reprogramming, and can choose what are the key moments when it is necessary to evaluate it.
Easy-to-use- Using Euleria Riablo is very simple: the professional has a rich library of preset exercises at his disposal to draw on to create work programs suitable for each patient or group of patients.
Exercise Database – The library has over 350 exercises, built with 130 basic movements that allow it to cover all body areas. Exercises are categorized for: lower limbs (single-joint for ankle, hip, knee, muscle like squats, lunges and bridge); upper limbs (unilateral and bilateral); back / spine mobility; to restore basic functions, such as walking or balance; core stability.
Custom Exercise – All movements can be performed in “repetitions” by deciding the time of the single repetition; in “isometry”, setting the maintenance and rest time; in “mobility”, moving within a range of angles pre-established.Once the program is created, each exercise can then be customized according to different aspects, including: level of difficulty, duration, recovery times, severity in detecting compensations.

What information does the tools produce?

  • Balance assessment (Romberg test)
  • Upper limb ROM
  • Lower limb ROM
  • Spinal column ROM
  • Orthopaedic functions (timed up & go, quadricep strength test)
  • Sporting functions (core stability, shoulder mobility, squat and lunge assessment)


– Orthopedics
– Neurological
– Fall prevention
– Sports Injury
– Spinal Injury
– Shoulder injury
– Spine and low spine
– Childhood rehabilitation

Kari is a simple medical device composed of a sensor and a dedicated app that guides the patient through a personalized rehabilitation program. The app is designed to work on all mobile devices: like smartphones and tablets, without any limitations; all you need is an internet connection and a bluetooth. The system is highly innovative and makes it possible to objectify the patient’s progress thanks to the data transmitted by the inertial sensor. The app, in addition to guiding the patient, motivates him by automatically producing detailed reports on his progress, encouraging him to reach a complete rehabilitation.

– Single sensor
– Cloud based app so all the information is stored and safe
– Biofeedback visual on an app
– Patients can stop exercise if pain is felt and request a video chat with physio immediately if available
– Progress reported immediately to patient and areas of improvements highlighted

– Orthopedic outpatient training
– Monitoring of sports rehabilitation
– Fall prevention
– Occupational health and safety monitoring


BACK in Action is a device designed in collaboration with the University of Innsbruck to establish the return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACL) while reducing the risk of re-injury. Back in Action allows you to better evaluate and assess performance of the lower limbs through balance, strength, agility and speed testing so that training is objective and repeatable. End of session reports are generated and results are used as a reference and compared to over 500 normative values of subjects never injured for all age groups and gender.


– Wearable sensor and a proprioceptive pressure board for testing
– Communicates with a dedicated software together with a set of hurdles
– Tool for evaluating sports performance related to the lower limbs after ACL reconstruction
– Measured movement data is transmitted to a software via Bluetooth, to be processed in real time
– Monitor progress over time with repeatable measures

7 functional tests are used to measure the performance and readiness of an athlete to return to sport.

Balance – A bipodalic and unipodalic evaluation of sway with an unstable proprioceptive platform is used to measure.

Agility – measured through plyometric jumps to evaluate the stiffness index as a combination of average height and ground contact time.

Strength – is measured indirectly through the counter-movement jump (CMJ).

Speed – is measured through a unilateral test similar to the hop-test and a coordination test, with 15 touches inside-out on a ladder.


– Evaluate the functional performance of the lower limbs and monitor professional and amateur athletes to adapt the workload during the sports season.
– Facilitate the evaluation of the condition of the cruciate ligament, protecting the patient and reducing the risk of re-injury.
– Offers a series of predefined training sequences and levels of increasing difficulty to train the strength of the lower limbs and proprioception.

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Euleria Riablo

Euleria Kari
Euleria Back in Action
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