
Upper Limb Rehabilitation at Concentric Healthcare

Last week, our team in Perth paid Concentric Rehabilitation at Midlands a visit for at trial of the Icone upperlimb intensive neurorehabilitation robot. This was led by their physiotherapist Godfrey Asimwe, who took one of his clients who was recovering from hemicraniectomy through a 15-minute therapy session.

The client, who before his procedure was an avid player on the PlayStation console, commented that he truly enjoyed the session and was very fond of the soccer game. He completed 300 movements in the space of 15 minutes, which allowed him to get the most of his 45-minute session at the clinic.

Godfrey was also impressed with the system, and commented that the system was a great adjunct to therapy to facilitate repetitions and motivate. He added that the versatility of the evaluation tasks challenged the client in many movement types in a safe and controlled manner.

To watch a clip of the Icone in action at Concentric Rehab, click here.

Robotic neurorehabilitation is helping mould the landscape of rehabilitation.  Aerobe would love to help you be onboard the change. Contact us if you would like to see how the Icone fits your clinic.

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