
Terms and Conditions


These general terms and conditions apply to the user and Aerobe Pte Ltd (Aerobe). They govern the use of Aerobe website

Aerobe reserves the right to change, to complement, or to adjust these terms and conditions at all times.

Aerobe offers the user to use its website under the condition that he/she agrees and complies with the general terms and conditions and otherwise does not act in any way that is unlawful or potentially harmful to Aerobe and the operation and functionality of its website. Aerobe at all times reserves the right to cease operating its website at its own discretion.


Aerobe website solely serves the purpose to inform its users about Aerobe and the products and services it offers. It therefore cannot be taken to display any binding information whatsoever on the products and services on offer. All the information made available on the website is of advertising character only. Should a user or any other person want to purchase any product or service advertised on the website, only the respective product’s documentation (user manual) delivered with the product shall be relevant in respect of specific product details. Unless provided by law, no claim whatsoever can be based on information given through the website.

Insofar as the website contains information on projects, references, workshops, events, or the like, Aerobe emphasizes that all information is solely provided as part of a voluntary effort to inform the user about events of all sorts relating to the products and services offered by Aerobe.


Whilst the website is operating, Aerobe endeavors to keep it accessible 24 hours a day. It nevertheless does not guarantee continuous and uninterrupted availability. No claim whatsoever shall arise from the website temporarily not being available.


The content made available on Aerobe website is protected under copyright law. Its usage is strictly subject to the adherence of copyright provisions. Without consent of Aerobe, the website or its contents must not be modified, duplicated, transferred, distributed, saved, or reissued.

With respect to software downloads made available on Aerobe website, any user downloading software must comply with the licensing requirements as described on the website.


Aerobe cannot be held responsible for the topicality, completeness, correctness, or quality of the information provided. Nor does Aerobe guarantee that its website is errorfree or that errors will immediately be corrected.

Aerobe does not take any responsibility for the content, accuracy, legality, and functionality of websites of third parties which can be reached through links on Aerobe website. Accessing foreign websites through links happens at the user’s own risk.


These general terms and conditions as well as the entire legal relationship between the user and Aerobe are exclusively governed by Singapore law.

Unless provided otherwise by law, the place of jurisdiction shall be Singapore.

If one or more of these general terms and conditions are or will become partially or entirely void, this shall not have any effect on the remaining provisions. Void parts shall automatically be replaced by provisions which, in its entirety as well as in respect to individual contractual arrangements, appropriately reflect the general terms and conditions as laid down here.

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