
Brain Electrophysiology Lab (BEL)

BEL is committed to bringing you innovative solutions for your research, utilizing machine learning, cloud computing, and open source collaboration.

Wearable and Wireless Amplifier

EEG System One

A new line of systems for HD EEG and TES research that will change the field of human neurophysiology by bringing cutting edge technology at affordable costs to revolutionize both spatial and temporal resolution.

Geodesic Head Web®

The Geodesic Head Web® uses BEL’s patented design of the Modular Pentagonal Element (MPE) to achieve a better fit to all human head shapes and sizes, offering industry leading comfort and less than 60 second application time.



Small and portable, the battery powered BEL AMP One HD EEG amplifier is part of the complete BEL EEG System One and offers on-board computing, data storage and wireless streaming to BEL’s cloud based software.


Its laboratory workflow and database management system allows for collaboration between labs with open source community tools for EEG, MEG and ERP analysis.


Is an intuitive and accessible source localization software with high resolution atlas models.


The WISP was designed to move EEG research into real-world situations, including sleep research at home and on the go. The small, wearable, self-applied headband was created using miniaturization and machine learning for a small, mobile EEG unit.

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