
Gold Standard Physiotherapy KineLive Demonstration

Last week, the AEROBE Australia team was invited to illustrate the benefits of KineLive with sports & rehabilitation sessions for all physiotherapist members at Gold Standard Physiotherapy in Blacktown. From our demonstration, the EMG’s attached on one of the physiotherapists exhibited an imbalance in Justin’s left knee that resulted from a reconstruction of his left vastus lateralis. This was projected on the monitor from KineLive’s EMG intuitive software where any researcher or therapist can easily apply the gel-based electrodes on the subject to which data is instantly collated then visualised on any monitor. With this data, the KineLive system can seamlessly record sessions while providing audio and visual feedback to motivate clients or support physiotherapist to adjust the patient’s motor control.  

Learn more about KineLive’s unique features by reading more below or the EMG system’s technical specifications by clicking here.

KineLive for Physiotherapy

Electromyography has innovatively evolved over time to support researchers and clinicians to understand the health of muscles and motor neurons. This diagnostic procedure can assist physiotherapists in particular to assess muscle performance, patterns of movement or neuromuscular reflexes with EMG results of timing, magnitude of muscle capacity and more. Revamp traditional therapy practices by incorporating KineLive’s wireless EMG measurement units to encourage natural movements and comfortability for the subject during research or clinical assessments with gel-based electrodes instead of invasive methods of application (i.e needles). Integrated with KineLive software, users from any range of computational capabilities can instinctively become accustomed to selecting multiple feedback modes for each user-definable profiles, automate instant analysis, and print out trend effect documentation.

Want to incorporate EMG systems at your clinic? Discover more of our sports and rehabilitation solutions, or request quotations by contacting us here.

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